Mandiani Rhythms! Cultural Resources
These resources are intended for use wherever people are teaching and learning--K12 schools, community centers, and lifelong learning programs to name a few. These materials are made for you. COVID19 encouraged arts organizations to think differently about their work. All of our artists created videos to enhance program instruction, providing students with an opportunity to practice at home, in visual arts, drumming, and dance. That being said, students also inspire us to be better and do better for them, for our communities, and for ourselves.
Teaching artists Muslimah Hameed and Keith Johnson inspired the development of these resources, and many talented and hardworking people created the work below. Special thanks not only to Muslimah and Keith, but also to Darrin Jackson and his family; Dr. Dianne Anderson-Nickel, CAC board president and music educator; Dr. Melanie Ohm, project director and writer; videographers Taylor and Eric Wellman of Financial Potion, and dancers Megan Strange and Shanta Hill.
Mandiani Rhythms! What is Mandiani? | A Short History and a Performance
Join Muslimah Hameed as she talks about the origins of Mandiani and leads a drum and dance ensemble in performance. While Mandiani is treasured in African and African American communities, Muslimah invites everyone--any age or culture--to dance!
- Dancing: Muslimah Hameed, Shanta Hill, Megan Strange
- Drumming: Keith Johnson, Darrin “Nomad” Jackson and Family—Darrin Kalil Jackson, Tyrrin Jackson, Zaryan Jackson, Lashay Jackson
- Video capture and production: Financial Potion with Taylor and Eric Wellman.
- Project Director, "What is Mandiani?" Writer: Dr. Melanie Ohm, director of the Cultural Arts Coalition
- Funded in part by the Phoenix Office of Arts & Culture, the Arizona Commission for the Arts
Mandiani Rhythms! Drumming Instruction with Darrin "Nomad" Jackson
Darrin Jackson has created a set of resources for Mandiani:
- The instructional video above
- The student practice video that follows
- And an article that tells the rich history of Mandiani accompanied by "Mandiani Patterns & Sounds"
This instructional video is full of information of value to the music educator. Darrin discusses the instruments, drum techniques and patterns, and the important musical and cultural language that sets the stage for great communication in the classroom. His family performs with him.
Mandiani Rhythms! Dance Practice for Students with Muslimah Hameed
Coming Soon!
Mendiani, Mandiani, MANJANI!
by Darrin Jackson (2022)
Ford Theatre, Los Angeles, California
Do you want to learn more about Mandiani rhythm patterns? Darrin Jackson has created an article with more information about Mandiani in visual and sound formats. This great resource for music educators provides rhythm charts and video clips.
Mandiani Rhythms! Lesson Plans and Tips for Teachers
by Dr. Dianne Anderson-Nickel (2022)
Dr. Dianne Anderson Nickel partnered with Keith Johnson and Muslimah Hameed to bring the Mandiani Rhythms! program to Emerson Elementary School in Phoenix. As a music educator, she is a master teacher, and shares these resources for the music classroom with other teachers.

Thank you to the Arizona Commission on the Arts for the funding that assisted in the development of these resources.