J. Dianne Anderson-Nickel is a founding member of the Cultural Arts Coalition (CAC). When the CAC was founded, Dianne was a full-time teacher in Phoenix 1 Elementary School District (PHX1, K-8). Dianne’s artistry uses the medium of education and the many projects and programs she has brought to her campus are her brushes. Her masterpieces are students who use learn to use their creativity and critical thinking skills to impact their communities in positive, musical ways. Dianne has partnered with the CAC to bring multiple programs to her students in Murphy School District as well as PHX1 over the last twenty years.
A native of Alabama, Dianne received her first degrees from Tennessee Temple University and Georgia State University before moving West to earn two additional degrees from ASU, including a Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) degree
in General Music. Dianne and her husband Ed remained in Arizona over the next 30 years until retiring in May 2021. Dianne and Ed currently live in Foley, AL where she teaches general music and high school choir, while continuing to serve as President of the CAC.